1) H -health, 2) E – education, 3) A – arts & culture, and 4) R – recreation & sports. Today, through the contributions and shared vision of our Dreamcatcher supporters and partners, we are empowered to increase our positive impact on more youth and Indigenous communities across Ontario.
1) H -health, 2) E – education, 3) A – arts & culture, and 4) R – recreation & sports. Today, through the contributions and shared vision of our Dreamcatcher supporters and partners, we are empowered to increase our positive impact on more youth and Indigenous communities across Ontario.
since 2004
Our Ambassadors
Dreamcatcher News
The Dreamcatcher Gala is a much-anticipated annual celebration that features and welcomes celebrities, entertainers, sponsors, and supporters of the Foundation.
Each year we anticipate over 450 people at our sell out event. 100% of the event proceeds will go directly towards supporting the aspirations and dreams of Aboriginal youth. During the Gala, we honour Dreamcatcher Award recipients who have accomplished incredible achievements in the following sectors that we fund:
Land and Water, Wellness and Education, Arts and Culture. An award is also presented every year to a deserving individual for a Lifetime Achievement.
Our Partners